This is a engine reseal kit for the full long block without any accessory seals included. Accessory seals can be described as oil cooler, oil filter housing, water pump, etc. Ships in 3-5 business days as this is an order in item. We use a mixture of OEM Audi, Victor Reinz, and Elring Components. These are the same items we use on our engine rebuild program for the RS4 & S5 4.2L engines.
Kit Includes:
- Head Gasket Bank 1
- Head Gasket Bank 2
- Valve Cover Gasket Bank 1
- Valve Cover Gasket Bank 2
- Spark Plug Tube Seal Kit Bank 1
- Spark Plug Tube Seal Kit Bank 2
- Upper Timing Cover Water Tube O-Rings
- Front Main Seal
- Rear Main Seal
- Valley Pan O-Ring
- Valley Pan Gasket
- Cam Bore Block Off Caps
- Oil Pump & Tube O-Rings
- Block O-Rings between Guide Frame & Upper Oil Pan
- Block O-Rings between Guide Frame & Engine Block
- Permatex Ultra Grey Sealant